Kia Ora Parents/Caregivers and MBS Whaanau, We look forward to you attending the Student Inquiry photo exhibition held on Wednesday, 25th September to see your child’s photo which aligns with the theme the ‘Best Version of me’ Please see the invitation attached and also below the times of when the classrooms will be visiting the exhibition. You are most welcome to come and see your child’s work at the same time as their visit. Please continue to speak to your child’s classroom teacher for more information. Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 12.12.42 PM.png Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 12.16.07 PM.png Ngaa mihi Mangere Bridge School
Kahui Ako Disco Friday 16th February at Te Papapa School from 5 to 7 pm
Kia ora whaanau,
Please find attached a poster for the Kahui Ako Disco to be held on Friday, February 16 at Te Papapa School from 5 to 7 p.m. The address of the venue is 219 Mount Smart Road, Onehunga.
Ngaa mihi
Mangere Bridge School