Announcement : 

PTA Second Hand Uniform sale now on – 13th September upto 9.00am at the Old SKIDS room


                                                                         Mangere Bridge School                                   

Has a digital platform as part of our library service.

Students can now borrow books online 

The Wheelers ePlatform is an online library that provides our school with a huge range of ebooks and audiobooks for the students to borrow. 

There are over 2000 eBook titles and over 800 paid audiobook titles. 


Teachers have students’ usernames and passwords so please check with them 

if your child does not have their username.  



The ePlatform is easy to access – simply choose the option that best suits you.


If you would like the app on your device please click on this link which will guide you to the app. 


           If you would like to go directly to the Mangere Bridge School ePlatform login please click on this link.

Most children will have had a demonstration of how to use this online library and will have had the opportunity to use the platform at school.  It can be accessed on most devices and will automatically save your information which makes it easy if you sign in with another device at a later time.  

We hope that students will take advantage of this online library to borrow and read the great selection of books while they are at home. 



Library Web OPAC

“KOTAHITANGA ”  Together we can make a difference

  • We are open every day at lunchtime – 1.10pm – 1.50pm
    This space is for everyone to enjoy.
    In this space you can talk and enjoy reading together. We have cool games that you can play with your friends and some days there will be activities for you to do.
    SENIOR ONLY SPACE for Silent Reading.
    Some people need a quiet space to concentrate when they read and this is the area for this. Please be respectful in this area and if you need to talk please go upstairs to do your talking.
  • Borrowing Rules
    SENIOR – Y5-Y6: 1 book to take home / 1 book to read at school
    MIDDLE – Y3-Y4: 1 book to take home or read at school
    JUNIOR – Y0-Y2: 1 book to stay at school
  • Who Takes Care of Our Library?
    One way you can help in our Library is to ensure our books have been returned to the correct shelves after use so we can all enjoy using the books and know where to find what we are looking for.
    We all take responsibility to make sure that we clean up before we leave so that the next class have a tidy area to enjoy.

MBS Library Plan
