Kia Ora Parents/Caregivers and MBS Whaanau, We look forward to you attending the Student Inquiry photo exhibition held on Wednesday, 25th September to see your child’s photo which aligns with the theme the ‘Best Version of me’ Please see the invitation attached and also below the times of when the classrooms will be visiting the exhibition. You are most welcome to come and see your child’s work at the same time as their visit. Please continue to speak to your child’s classroom teacher for more information. Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 12.12.42 PM.png Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 12.16.07 PM.png Ngaa mihi Mangere Bridge School
COMMUNITY NOTICE NZEI Strike Action – School Closed – Thursday 16 March
NZEI Strike Action – School Closed – Thursday 16 March
Kia Ora Parents/Caregivers and Whaanau
As you are aware NZEI Te Riu Roa have advised that the teachers have voted to strike next Thursday 16th March. Our Board have carefully considered the availability of non-union teaching staff to cover classes however have decided that we can not safely remain open and will therefore close the school for instruction. It is important that you make alternative arrangements for the care of your child/children during the period of the strike as no supervision can be provided.
We are disappointed that again this year we are needing to close and apologise for any inconvenience for our whaanau.
Please be assured that safety is our main concern and we have considered this carefully.
If you are unable to make arrangements please contact Bernice Mata’utia directly on nz by 12 pm Tuesday 14th March.
Ngaa mihi nui
Presiding Member
Mangere Bridge Board of Trustees